The Fox and The Sick Lion

Once upon a time, there lived a Lion in the forest.As the Lion was developing ancient he used to be unable to hunt for his food.He thought that without food he will die of starvation. So, the Lion concept of a plan. He decided to lie down in the cave and pretend that he is ill. And whoso ever will come to meet him will emerge as his prey.

Being the king of the jungle.The lion announced he was once ill and summoned the animals to come and hear his remaining will.The Lion put his sinful format to practice and it started working.Poor animals didn't understand about his depraved diagram and fell into his trap.Many of his nice wishers obtained killed.One day a fox came to visit the in poor health Lion.The fox was once sensible and discovered the trick.

He stood on the outdoor of the cave, at a respectful distance, and asked....

Fox: How are you, sir?

Lion: I am not feeling well at all.But, why do not you come inside to meet me?

Fox: No, thank you, sir,"I am aware that there are many prints of feet getting into your cane, but I see no trace of any returning". Still, if I come internally I would be a fool.

And the fox saved his life and informed other animals too.

Moral:  You should never trust a fake person.

The Fox and The Sick Lion The Fox and The Sick Lion Reviewed by hema on August 15, 2017 Rating: 5

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