A young tortoise was lazing around the river bank looking at the birds flying in the sky.He stared at them and started thinking out loud! I wish I could fly like those birds.Up high in the sky and watch the beautiful sceneries and beauty of the world from the top of the world.Oh! I so wish that! 

Near by an Eagle was sitting on a stone listening to what the tortoise was thinking out loud and couldn't resist but ask.

Eagle:  Why do you want to fly? you should be happy with what you are gifted with

Tortoise: I wish I could fly, with no trouble of crawling on the ground!

Eagle: So say that you want to fly because you don't want to crawl.Not because you wish to see the world from the sky! Anyway, what will I get in return for making you fly in the sky?

Tortoise:  I'll give you the riches of gold from the red sea so the eagle grabbed the tortoise in its claws and soared up high in the sky making him see all the beautiful sceneries of the world flying higher in the clouds and closer to the stars.It was indeed a mesmerizing moment for the tortoise. While the eagle was flying over the river bank the rest of the tortoise were basking in the sun. Suddenly the tortoise flying high up in the sky said.

Tortoise: I wish my friends could watch me flying so high in the sky.I am sure they would get jealous watching me.

Eagle: What? Why would you want your friends to get jealous of you?

Tortoise: I want them to see that I can fly and they can not! it's such a nice feeling!

What an evil friend tortoise is! thought the Eagle with this, the eagle dropped him on the ground and asked for his treasure.

Eagle: Now give me my reward.

Tortoise: ha...ha..ha...There is no reward! I was just kidding about that you could take me for a ride.

And with this, the tortoise left.The eagle couldn't tolerate his insult and decided to teach him a lesson.
So the next day the eagle went to the tortoise and said

Eagle: Hey! would you like to go for a sky ride again?

Tortoise: Yes! sure! I would love to!

The eagle once again picked him up and clenched him in his claws.The tortoise, while he was enjoying the ride said to the eagle

Tortoise: Why did you bring me again for the ride even though I dishonoured my promise of rewarding you!

Eagle: That's because of tortoise, you wished to make your friends jealous but at my cost and now I'll let you enjoy the free fall!

The eagle let his claws loose and the tortoise went falling down screaming for help and flying no longer he crashed on the ground with a thud. Thanks to his shell, he didn't get injured.Soon his old friends surrounded him and said.Hey, our young friend you wanted to see the world from high up in the sky.To dream big is not a sin but to dream it at the cost of others is does not justiciable!

Tortoise: I have learnt my lesson now.I should be thankful to God for what I am blessed with.It was my shell only that saved my life.I should be happy with what I have and also should not use others for my selfish reason. I surely have learnt my lessons!

Moral: One should think about the consequences before one wishes for something.

THE TORTOISE AND THE EAGLE THE TORTOISE AND THE EAGLE Reviewed by hema on August 28, 2017 Rating: 5

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