This is a very old story. It is from the year 1620. When a group of Pilgrims came from Europe in a ship referred to as the Mayflower to the East coast of United States. They have reached this new land and they shall make it their home let them the name is Plymouth and this huge rock by using which Plymouth is recognized will be known as the Plymouth Rock. They shall make a settlement there.

And so the Pilgrims got busy trying to make a settlement in their new home. But, they had arrived in the peak of winter with little sources and no food.

One of Pilgrim said, Oh! this is such a difficult winter. We have almost no food. The guys go and catch whatever fish they can find in the freezing lakes but it is now not usually enough.
The man's spouse said, Yes, and a sickness has taken over our people. We have misplaced so many strong guys and women already. It is very hard except acceptable meals and substances to take care of them.

The man said, Yes, look at what happened to our brother James Chilton and his wife. They've both died, leaving at the back of little Mary Chilton. And his wife said, poor Mary, she is only 13 years old. But except her mother and father to take care of her. We will have to make sure she is safe.

And so Mary was taken under the care of all the other Pilgrims. But it was a hard sickness. And people died from extreme cold, lack of food and the sickness that had come over their settlement. This meant Mary had to work hard. Many of the older women among st the Pilgrims had died and the remaining work had to be shared by everyone. Mary took care of cooking and laundry for the men and boys whose wives or mothers had died.

Then, one day in March two strangers called Samoset and Squanto visited the settlement. They were native Indians who lived on the land. One of the stranger said, Hello settlers! welcome to your new home.Pilgrims said, thank you, Who are you? and the strangers said I am Samoset. I am the leader of the Abenake people.  And this is Squanto from the Wampanoag tribe.

The Pilgrims said, hello Samoset and Squanto. How is it that you speak such good English? They said we have had experience with other settlers who know English. We see that we are having trouble with food. Squanto here can teach you how to grow food on this soil.

And so the Pilgrims made new friends and learnt how to grow food in their new home. They learnt that using fish fertilizers will help their crops grow better with the help of Squanto and other people of his tribe the pilgrims grew a healthy crop of beans, pumpkins and corns. To celebrate the Harvest, the Pilgrims invited. King Massasoit of the Wampanoag tribe to the feast.

King Massasoit's men helped the settlers hunt for the feast and large feast of corn, roasted meat, pie, fruits were laid. The Pilgrims dedicated this day to getting together with friends and family and thanking God for the abundance of good food and loving people in our lives.

THE FIRST THANKSGIVING THE FIRST THANKSGIVING Reviewed by hema on September 05, 2017 Rating: 5

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