Once upon a time there was a sea kingdom at the bottom of the sea. The king of the seas had six beautiful daughters who were mermaids. They were all very beautiful. But the youngest of them was the prettiest of them all. She had a gentle face, big round eyes and a voice sweeter than anyone else's in the world. When the little mermaid turned fifteen years old her grandmother called her to her room and said my dear, today you have turned fifteen. And from now on wards, you can go to the world above. Just remember the people above are very different from us. They do not have a beautiful fishtail like us, instead they have two legs. And mermaid told thank you grandma. I have waited for this day for so long.

when I return, I will tell you about everything I see above. That night the little mermaid went to the surface of the water. The sight of the stars and the cool breeze that touched her face, took her breath away. She was just getting used to the feeling when she saw a big ship cross in front of her. A board it were many men and they were celebrating the birthday of the young prince who had just turned sixteen.

The little mermaid was mesmerized with the handsome looks of the prince. She couldn't take her eyes off him as the ship sailed past her. She was so lost in him that she didn't notice the storm build up in the sky and the sea begin to range. The ship had only sailed a little further when the storm shook it up. The sailors tried to steer it to safety but many men including the prince fell into the water. The little mermaid rushed to him and saved him from drowning. She took him ashore. But the prince lay unconscious.

The mermaid decided to get help. When she couldn't get any, she came back to where the prince was. She saw him surrounded by many people. A beautiful princess was kneeling by him as others worked to awaken him. The prince opened his eyes and the little mermaid was relived that her prince will be saved now. The prince to saw a beautiful princess and told you save my life, thank you. The prince knew nothing about the little mermaid. 

He did not even know that it was she who had actually saved his life. This broke the mermaid's heart. She went back to her father's home. She told her sisters and grandma, What had happened. And Grandma said forget him child. Humans and we are very different. To be with him forever you will have to get him to love you more than anything else he loves in the world. Even more than his own parents. How will that ever happen? Think about it.

But the little mermaid could not forget the handsome prince. Every night she visited the spot where she had laid him after saving his life. One day she decided to visit the Witch in her father's kingdom. May be she knew a way that the mermaid could be with the Prince.

Witch: Yes, there is a way! I can send you to the land above the sea. You will lose your fishtail and have legs. If, by the second sunset. You can get the prince to love you more than he loves his parents then you can be with him forever. Otherwise you will die and become foam in the sea. But, in return you must give me your voice.

The little mermaid said but, without my voice how will I make the prince fall in love with me? 
You still have your pretty face and eyes. You will also be the most beautiful dancer any one has ever seen. Now go! said the Witch.
In a flash, the mermaid found herself on the land. Her fishtail turned into human legs. It caused her pain but she couldn't even scream because the witch had taken her voice away. Some how the mermaid made her way to the prince's castle. There was a big celebration going on there. But the guards would not let the mermaid enter because they didn't know who she was and she couldn't answer them when they asked her about it. So she was not allowed to enter. Some where in the castle, music started playing.
Remembering what the witch had said about dancing little mermaid started dancing.

Guardsmen: Oh! I have never seen anyone dance so beautifully. May be she has come to dance for the Royal family in the celebrations. Oh! she is a dancer, let me take her to the court.

Once the mermaid reached the Royal court. She saw that the celebration was for the wedding of the prince. Little mermaid was heart broken, She thought the only way of meeting the prince, now would be to dance and draw his attention towards her. And so, she performed a beautiful dance for the Royal family. When the Prince saw her, he came up to her.

Prince: Hello young lady, I have seen you in my dreams. Who are you?

In his heart, the prince hoped that she would be the one who had saved him from drowning. He longed to hear the voice that had saved him when he was dying. But, no sound came out when the little mermaid tried to reply.

Prince: Forgive me. I think I am confused between you and someone else. But, please do join us.

The prince led her to the ship which the wedding was going to take place. Many people spoke to her but she could not answer anyone. The princess was especially kind to her and took special care of her.

Princess: I know you saved the prince that day. Thank you, because of you, I have found the love of my life. Please always stay with us.

The little mermaid saw that the princess and the prince loved each other and were very happy together. She decided not to pursue the prince anymore he belonged to another woman. Although her heart ached to let him go. She happily attended the wedding and all the celebrations that went on throughout the next day. Soon it was evening, the second sunset was about to happen. The little mermaid knew, she would die and become foam on the sea. 

As she stood there looking at the prince and his princess. She heard some voices behind her. She turned around to see. Her sisters and father were there in the water. But all of them had very short hair now instead of the long flowing locks they used to have earlier. 

Mermaid: Father and sisters! what are you doing here?

Father: We have come to save you! We went to the Witch. In exchange of our hair she gave us this knife. If you stab the prince through his heart before sunset, you can be saved.

Handing the knife to the youngest sister all the other sisters vanished under the water once again. The little mermaid stood there, holding the knife to her heart she looked at the newlyweds once again. She knew what she had to do. As the sunset, she tossed the knife into the sea Good bye, My love. And so, for the happiness of her beloved prince the little mermaid sacrificed her own life and joined the sea as foam.
THE LITTLE MERMAID THE LITTLE MERMAID Reviewed by hema on September 19, 2017 Rating: 5

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