
Once upon a time, there was once a small Kingdom at the edge of a dark wood forest.Tales have been advised about the evil presence that lived in the forest.Still, people in the kingdom had been residing fortunately beneath the sensible rule of a young King. There lived a terrible Miller with his daughter.She was very beautiful and charming.

The miller was a chatterbox and had an addiction of exaggerating what he informed to other.The Miller had fooled many people many time so they complained about the Miller to the king. The king decided to teach him a lesson and known as him to visit.My dear Majesty, thank you for giving me the honour to meet you because you do not know whatever about me. I would like to tell you about my daughter and me. Yes, please go ahead.The king said. The Miller said I have a daughter who is the most beautiful girl in the world. But, more than that.....she can spin gold out of straws!!!!!

The King: That is an art that pleases me well. If your daughter is as clever as you say, bring her to my Castle, that I may put her to the proof.

Miller: Aaaaa.....yes...yes.....sure my majesty.

Miller went home and told his daughter all about it.

Daughter: I always told you.Don't lie to anyone.Now you are trapped in your own life.

Father was speechless & ashamed of himself.Both left for the castle to face the upcoming disasters.

King: Ohh!!! welcome, Mr Miller, welcome, beautiful lady. You are as beautiful as your father described.I hope you would spin the gold from straw.Let's not waste any time.Come with me.

King himself led her into a room that was quite full of straws and gave her a wheel and spindle.

King: Now set to work, and if by early morning you have not spun this straw into gold you and your father shall die. Keep the guard.Be sure she does not escape.

The poor miller's daughter didn't know what to do.Her distress grew so great that she began to weep. Suddenly a bright light beamed and there appeared a fear some looking little man.

Little man: Good evening, Miller's daughter. Why are you crying?

Girl: Oh! I have got to spin gold out of straw, and I don't understand how to do it.

Little man: Hmmm...... What will you give me if I spin it for you?

Girl: I can give you my necklace!!

The little man took the necklace, seated himself before the wheel, and whirr, whirr, whirr! three times round and the bobbin was full. Then he took up another, and whirr, whirr, whirr! three times round, and they were full and so he went on till the morning. All the straw had been spun, and all the bobbins were full of gold.

The girl said Thank you, little man.May I know who you are? What's your name?

The little man laughed and disappeared in an instant.

At sunrise came the king, and when he saw the gold he was astonished.

King: Oh my goodness.... I was thinking that your boastful father was lying to me.Now you go and take some rest. I will meet you in the evening.

The miller's daughter thought that the king would now reward her and let her go home peacefully.But in the evening, the Greedy king took her into another room filled with straw, much bigger than the previous room.

King: If you value you and your father's life, you must spin all of this into gold tonight.

The girl did not know what to do, so she began to cry again. Soon the little man appeared in the room again.

Little man: Stop crying, girl, What will you give me if I spin all this straw into gold?

The girl thought for a while and noticed the golden ring in her hand, the last precious thing she could offer him.

Girl: Take this ring from my finger.

Little man pulled the ring and began to spin the wheel whirring round

By next morning, all the straw was spun into glistening gold.

Girl: Thank you so much, little man.May I know who you are, please?

The little man laughed and disappeared.

The King came in and was rejoiced beyond the measure at the sight.

King: Ohhh dear. You are a gift to our kingdom.I have no words left to praise your talent. Please go and take some sleep.I will meet you in the evening.

As the sunset, the king came to the girl and again took her into an even larger room full of straw.

King: This, too, must be spun in one night and if you accomplish this you shall be my wife.I am not likely to find any one better in the whole world.

As soon as the girl was left alone, the little man appeared for the third time.

Little man: What will you give me if I spin the straw for you this time?

Girl: I have nothing left to give and she started crying.

Little man: Okay.... okay.... don't cry... then you must promise me to give me your first child after you are Queen.

She had no other option but to say yes.

Little man: Promise me that you will not forget your word.

Girl: Yes, I promise.

The little man began to spin all night much faster than before. All the straw was spun into gold. As he finished his work for the night, he laughed and disappeared immediately.

In the morning king came and found all the work done according to his wish.

King: Ohhh dear. You have proved yourself enough.I am going to marry you tomorrow.

The miller's pretty daughter become the Queen.In a year's time, she brought a child into the world.She forgot about the promise to the little man. One day when she was alone in her room. Suddenly the little man appeared in her room.

Little man: Did you forget your promise, Queen?

Queen: No, I still remember it but I love my baby very much, Can I ask some favour of you?

Little man: Hummmm.................

Queen: I'm the Queen now.You can ask anything you want instead of my baby. I can give you whatever you ask for. 

Little man: No, I would rather have something living than all the treasures of the world.

Queen: Ohhhh little man.I beg you for this.Please leave my baby. Please.

The little man had pity upon her.He put one strict condition to guess his name.

Little man: I will give you three days and if at the end of that time you cannot guess my name, you must give the child to me.

Queen: Thank you, little man.I will find your honourable name.I will find it.

Little man: Okay then.I will come back tomorrow.

The Queen spent the whole night thinking about all the names that she had ever heard. Next day, she sent a messenger to ask far and wide.

The little man came back.

Little man: So have you figured out my name?

Queen: Yes...... is your name...Caspar?

Little man: That is not my name.

Queen: Is your name.....Melchior?

Little man: No it is not.

Queen: Balthazar

Little man: Noooooo......

The Queen repeated all the names she knew and went through the whole list given by messenger but after each name little man laughed at her & said no.

Little man: That's enough for the day.I will come back tomorrow. Be prepared.

On the second day, the Queen sent the messenger to search the most unusual and singular names.

The little man came back in the evening.The Queen was ready with the list.

Queen: Perhaps you are Roast-ribs.

Little man: That is not my name

Queen: Sheepshanks

Little man: No it is not

Queen:  Spindleshanks

Little man: Noooo....

The Queen went through the entire list after each name the little man said no!

Little man: Tomorrow is the last day my Queen and I doubt you can save your baby.

The Queen got worried and but on the third day, she heard something unusual from the messenger.

Messenger: I have not been able to find one single new name but as I passed through the woods I came to a high hill, and nearby there was a small house, and before the house burned a fire, and round the fire danced a comical little man and he hopped on one leg and sung.

Little man: Today I bake, to-morrow I brew, the day after that the Queen's child come in.And oh! I am glad that nobody knew that my name is Rumpelstiltskin!

Queen: That's it.You can not imagine how relieved I am! The Queen immediately pulled out her necklace and gave it to Messenger as a reward. After some time, the little man reappeared.

Little man: Now, Queen, what is my name?

Queen: Are you called Jack?

Little man: Nooo.......

Queen: Are you called Harry?

Little man: Nooo

Queen: Then perhaps your name is .................... Rumpelstiltskin!

Little man: The devil told you that! the devil told you that!

In his anger, he stamped his right foot so hard that it went into the ground above his knee.Then he seized his left foot with both his hands in such a fury that he split it in two and there and then was the end of Rumpelstiltskin.And the Queen lived happily with his child and King thereafter.

Rumpelstiltskin Rumpelstiltskin Reviewed by hema on July 31, 2017 Rating: 5

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