The Ugly Duckling

Once near a beautiful pond there lived a handsome duck couple.They were very excited as their babies were about to get hatched from the eggs.The papa duck was so eager to see his babies that all he could do was roam here&there in anxiety.Suddenly what they hear is sweet little quack quacks coming from the nest and the papa duck just rushes to the nest to catch the first glimpse of his babies.

Papa duck: Oh my god! They are so lovely!

Suddenly a hoarse quack comes from below Mamma duck.

Mamma duck: You are so ugly and pale.You can't be our baby!

The papa and mamma duck along with their four babies sail away far away from the ugly duckling,leaving him behind in dismay and all alone.The poor duckling doesn't know whats wrong with him.He checks his wings his beak his feet,but all looks fine.Suddenly he turns around and sees his reflection in the pond and what he sees sends him complete disappointment.

Ugly duckling: Nobody loves me,what would I do now? Where would I go? 

The ugly duckling starts walking in complete sadness.So many days,weeks and months pass by and the poor ugly duckling wanders all alone in the deep forest.Suddenly he stops and feels extremely cold.

Ugly duckling: Oh it is so cold. I wish I had a warm house too.

Suddenly a huge ball of snow comes rolling from behind and the poor duckling gets caught in that and starts screaming for help!

A wood cutter cutting the woods in a near by place hears the scream of the duckling and runs for help.

Wood cutter: Oh poor thing! come here, you need something warm to drink.

The wood cutter picks up the ugly duckling and keeps him in the warmth of his over coat. He takes him home and keeps him wrapped in a warm blanket right in front of the fireplace.

Wood cutter: Don't worry poor little thing.I will take care of you.

And like this many years pass by and the ugly duckling grew under the care of the wood cutter.But one thing he made sure never did he again saw his reflection again.One day on a sunny afternoon, he was wandering along the side of a lake.Suddenly he sees a wedge of swans, swimming in the pond.

Ugly duckling: Look at those swans,they look so beautiful! I wish I was a beautiful duck too. I have no friends because I am so ugly.I feel oh! so lonely.

To his amazement he sees the wedge of swans coming towards him.What he sees is the most beautiful swan ever.

Beautiful swan:  Hey, we have never seen you around, are you new here?

Ugly duckling:  No, I live near by with the wood cutter. It's just that I don't come out often.

Beautiful swan:  Why is that so?

Ugly duck:   Because I am an ugly duck.Nobody loves me,nobody wants me.

Not to his surprise he sees them laughing at him .He decides to turn back when suddenly he hears the voice of the beautiful swan.

Beautiful swan:  Wait! where are you going?

Ugly duckling:  See even you guys made fun of me, that's the reason I never come out.

Beautiful swan:  We laughed because you called yourself A duck.

Ugly duckling:   What do you mean?

Beautiful swan:  Yes! you are not a duck. You are a swan! And I haven't seen such a handsome swan ever in my life.

He couldn't believe of what he just heard and stood there in a state of shock! and after a few seconds managed to say

Ugly duckling: What?

The Beautiful swan held the hand of the duck and took him near the pond.See yourself! you are a swan! The ugly duckling very reluctantly bends over the water because he doesn't want to see the ugly him. But what he sees leaves him in total disbelief.
He is not a duck! He is a swan! A Handsome young Swan.

Ugly duckling: I am a swan

He jumps and flies and swims in sheer happiness and then suddenly stops to thank the beautiful swan.

Ugly duckling: Thank you so much for making me know who I am.

Beautiful swan: So now that you know you are a swan.Would you join our wedge? We would live together as a happy family.

Ugly duckling: Yes ! I would love to do that!

And then the ugly duckling. Oppps The handsome swan jumps into the water with the rest of the swans.

The Ugly Duckling The Ugly Duckling Reviewed by hema on August 02, 2017 Rating: 5

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